We are committed to keeping competitive soccer as affordable as possible for families in our community. Our players experience competitive soccer for a fraction of the cost of most clubs we compete against.
Families can choose to pay the registration fee in full or spread it over three payments on 6/1, 7/1, and 8/1. A late fee of $50 will be applied if no payment is made by 7/1. An additional late fee of $50 will be applied if no payment is made by 8/1.
Fees include: |
NorCal Premier Fall League |
NorCal Premier State Cup |
NorCal Premier Spring League |
Year-round Training 2-3x per Week |
Professional Goalkeeper Training |
Veo Match Recordings |
Individual teams may collect additional team fees for activities such as tournaments, Winter League, and Summer League.
West Contra Costa Youth Soccer League |
4660 Appian Way, Building 2El Sobrante, CA 94803 |
info@wccysl.com |